National Runaway Safeline

judith rodriguez


Judith is a student at Northeastern Illinois University. She joined us for training in February 2021 and has since racked up a whopping 112 hours on the lines! That’s an incredible achievement since we would only expect that much from a volunteer after a year of service. Judith managed to do this in 6 months! That, her willingness to take on much needed shifts at a moment’s notice and her team player mentality makes her an EASY choice for September VotM!

We sat down and did a quick Q&A:


NRS: What made you decide to volunteer with NRS?

Judith: I had to volunteer for a Social Work class. This was a requirement during the pandemic. I wanted something that I was interested in but would also help me pass the class. I was looking for something that I could do even after I’d fulfilled my requirement. My friend, who was interested in NRS but never became a volunteer, shared the opportunity with me.

I’m a Child Advocacy Studies minor, so NRS really fit! It’s a great way to put everything I’m learning in school into firsthand experience. Even with being remote, I’ve had an amazing experience and learned to grow in my field. 

NRS: What keeps you coming back to volunteer week after week?

Judith: I really do like volunteering here! Everyone I’ve worked with, all the supervisors, interns and other volunteers have been so helpful and kind. We all know that we might not be able to help every youth that comes through to NRS, but just knowing that there’s that support for me if I don’t know what to do keeps me coming back.


NRS: Tell us something you’ve learned from your experiences volunteering with us?

Judith: There is no one way to help youth solve these problems they come to us with. Keep an open mind with every contact. Tackle it the best way you can. You have to be able to adapt and change. I’ve learned how to better problem solve during my time with NRS.  

NRS: Give us a Fun Fact about yourself that you don’t think someone would be able to guess just by meeting you.

Judith: I’m double jointed! I also love crime podcasts or shows. Love to do hot yoga and listen to music. Finally got to go to some live shows after so long!


NRS: What would you say to someone who was thinking of volunteering with NRS?

 Judith: A big thing about NRS is just being able to give that power back to a youth that reaches out to us. You’re not only making yourself feel good about helping others, but you’re a support for someone that needs you at that time. We are able to give that power back to a lot of these kids that have to go through terrible situations. We can offer that support no matter what.


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