National Runaway Safeline

SOY2024 cropped

To Hope To Support To Relief  To Understanding To Change To A Breakthrough

Thank you for supporting our Celebrating the Spirit of Youth event. Your support ensures that the National Runaway Safeline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for youth and families experiencing crisis across the nation. Please provide the following information to ensure we reach out to your preferred contact related to sponsorship follow-up and payment.

Please note that a sponsorship invoice will be sent to the contact listed below.

Preferred Sponsorship Contact(Required)
Mailing Address(Required)
Max. file size: 128 MB.
High Resolution File (.png, .ai, .eps, etc) preferred.
Your sponsorship includes a table that seats 8 people.(Required)

*We require the names and contact information (email and phone number) of all attendees by April 1, 2024. Your attendee list with all names, emails, and phone numbers can be sent to Lexi Silvers at

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